I have a Bachelor of Science in Data Science with a focus in Computer Science. I also minored in business as in interest applying data to business practices.
I am interested in persuing a masters degree to learn more about business and its relationship with engineering, and gain a deeper understanding about computers/electricity.
Current Work#
I am currently a Software Engineer working in Automated Flight Control Systems (AFCS) for fixed wing aircraft at Garmin Aviation. I work primarily in C/C++ and Python at work, working on avionics hardware including OEM and retrofit GFC 600/700 platforms. I have experience working with DO-178B/C software development procedures, with a heavy emphasis of my work being on design assurance level (DAL) of Hazardous or Catastrophic. I have contibuted to programs such as Emergency Autoland, Stall Warning Protection and Envelop Protection. Outside of embedded development in my professional career I spend a large amount of my time improving testing and testing framework at system level for devices and flight control features.
Personally I do work on many side projects, many of which I have in the projects section on this site, or on my GitHub. I also dabble in some hobbies like photography, hiking, and CAD.
I am extremely passionate about aviation and space, I often am reading and following the latest trends and discoveries. Since I get to contribute to the industy I find it very important to know what is going on within and around it. I especially enjoy learning about issues and accidents and how preventative measures are enforced in engineering and business to keep the industry safe.
I find myself always wanting to learn, on a technical level lately I have been working on developing better methods for documentation and proper testing of software and hardware together. With my interest in safety I have also been learning Rust, but also keeping data skills sharp with some more personal projects involving data analysis and effcient computation while exploring languages like Go.